Social anxiety is wanting people to spam your latest interests to, but not being confident enough to speak freely.
It sucks.
I hate this online setting, this cage of empty walls, tall windows and glinting screens,
locking me where I stand,
forced to reach the outside world through a window.
Some are experts in communication through glass bars, unafraid and loud through silence. But others like me are stuck,
floating aimlessly in a glass capsule,
turned again and again relentlessly and endlessly by the waves,
afraid and failing to learn a foreign tongue.
I am paralyzed, watching now near strangers to me glide with ease,
their hearts seeping out of their cages, their souls melding with glass.
But my soul is wooden, my heart paper thin.
I cannot meld or glide,
get too close to the heat of a battery, I start to burn.
I am so alone in this strange new world;
The world where I can always witness but never touch.
But fear and foreign disposition are not my only shackles;
My limping stone of corporeal autonomy
remains forever prisoner of walls and windows and ceaseless pacing.