When I think of you, I think of purple and blue
purple, secret excitement, always holding in laughter,
just don't forget to let it out, more often than not
blue, a soft rain, sweet and melodious
calming down the lightening and noise
You. are an anthem of shooting stars
meteors carving their way through the universe
flying for the moon
lay your head to rest, curl up your toes
in a crater whittled out in the shape of your eyes
let your eyelashes collide, your breathing match the rhythm of the slowing tide
Rest tonight, in the light of the moon and the shadows of the sun
forget about the glare, and the noise, just remember my voice
singing, “Every little thing, is gonna be alright.”
And, yes, we all know that the moon is full of gray and dark
but that's why you're there
to make it grayless and spark
to burst a million colors from your lungs
more vibrant than fireworks and wolves' eyes
You see, God knew what he was doing when he carved out your lungs,
when he painted your eyes,
wrote the tune of your laughter on your heart so you would never be able to forget
And I, I'll never forget the moment she placed you in my arms,
you seemed too beautiful to be true,
the color on your skin was purple and blue
and it made me wonder where you'd come from,
but no matter what, I've always known that you were made to be ours
I like to think of the way you sway,
more graceful than the clouds gliding through the sky
The way you spark,
Like an anthem for peace and desire
You make me wanna feel peace in my chest
Happiness in each breath, rippling through every bone in my body
You - are an anthem of shooting stars
meteors carving their way through the universe
heading for the moon
And sometimes, your landing won't be all that soft
the hateful wind will knock you hard on your head
take the voice from your song, make your palms bleed sorrow
but remember all that He's said,
the dance lessons he gave you, the songs he wrote for you
and you'll never run out of ways to get back up and say, “I forgive you”
My Sister, My Love,
you're a field of autumn leaves making waves in the fierce wind
you're a warrior with a peace symbol tattooed on your fist
you're my sweet and my moon, my color, purple and blue