Prudently Dreaming
Filling the mold, being the faithful daughter,
Doing as I am told, it is not a bother.
Always honest when inquired, presentation is the key,
Ask, and you will know, just who I am to be.
My persona is intentional, an avant-garde enigma,
My ideas, unconventional, I want to leave my insignia.
A scholar of medicine or law, the outfit does not suit me,
To those in pursuit, I will not guffaw, for I am engaging in artistry.
I believe that truth should be told, no matter how burdensome,
Therefore, I choose to be bold, and I speak for the worrisome.
Compliments are never forced, my words always derive from the heart,
Lies are something that should not be endorsed, they are simply too much effort on my part.
Artificial, synthetic, and plastic, words labeled on household things,
It is sad to say, it is far from fantastic, these words can be applied to human beings.
Staying true and being real, this is the image I intend,
It is better to live by how you feel, than to live a lie for someone else and pretend.
I may not be your cup of tea, or your mug of coffee,
I am quiet, not unfriendly, talkative when you get to know me.
Only giving little details, I keep the mystery alive,
Many often derail, the patient ones survive.
Uncertain of where I will arrive, yet I choose to press on,
Standing out appears to be my drive, there should be no fear in standing alone.
Doctors and lawyers are seen as the dream, the dream that I quickly popped,
Luckily for me, my parents did not scream, and there was nothing that needed to be stopped.
The future artist is the path I walk, carrying no brushes or paint,
As far as a job, there is room to talk, but I know that I want something quaint.
Enjoyable variety, breathing room if you will,
My career must be loved entirely, otherwise, it is just something to pay the bill.
The student is my role, and college, my assignment,
I intend to reach my goal, even if I have to study in solitary confinement.
I could be this, or I could be that, only time will tell,
All I know is who I am, and hope that I will excel.