The Protector
The Protector
Dedicated to my little sister, Melissa. I love you stay strong.
-I remember the day you were born.
-April 23rd at 2:07 pm
-9 pounds even and 24 inches long
-I remember holding you
-You were heavy for my small chubby arms
-I specifically remember dad saying “she’s your little sister you have to protect her”
-And that what I did
-I protected you
-Like the time when I was three and you were 1
-And you almost fell out of your bassinet because the legh snapped like a twig and you bounced out
- And I slid like a football player going for a home run and I caught you
- I remember when you were two and I was four and you almost fell down the stairs but I grabbed your arm before you could.
- I remember when you were six and I was eight and that mean older boy hit you with a baseball bat and I chased him up the road
-screaming I was going to kill him
- But then there came a time when I couldn’t watch you 24/7 anymore
- I went to high school and you went to middle school
- I remember coming home everyday and I couldn’t wait to see you
- But you started locking yourself in you room
- You started to be angry
-You started to not be
- My little Melissa
- Then one night you stumbled into my room like a drunken sailor
-you fell on my floor like a rock sinking to the bottom of a wavy sea
- and you looked at me
- I pulled your intoxicated body onto my bed
- and I held you as you cried
- That was the night you had tried to commit suicide
- People had teased you and beat you down
- To the point where you felt like you couldn’t go on
- And I felt like I had failed
- I was your big sister
- I was supposed to protect you
- But the morning after when I saw you in that bed hooked up to tubes and machines
- I crawled up in bed with you
- And you said “ Rita, I love you , you saved me, and now I can live forever with you, thank you, you protected me”
- I knew I did my job right.