The Princess of Isolation
Waking up with a start,
My breath caught short
Like I'm stuck in a chamber
Trapped, Lost
Isolated and alone
I can't breathe right
It's ragged and shaken
My body aches
My heart is pacing.
Am I breathing? I can't tell. It hurts.
Everything feels so far
As if I'm stuck up in a castle
Where are you? Where am I?
You're right next to me, in reality.
Fast asleep and dreaming.
I'm wide awake,
When all I want to be is screaming for you to save me.
But I can't, for I fear to wake you, to anger you.
As I have always done with no malice, no true intention.
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry I never let you sleep. That was never my intention.
Yet you stir softly in your sleep,
And I wrap myself up against you
To try to ward off the pain, the anxiousness that traps my soul
To make my breathing steady
Instead of ragged, like I was a running away
From the monsters that lurk within my mind.
You wake.
I try to hide the pain, to let it go, to not let you in.
You always see right through me.
Like shimmering glass
So fragile, yet strong, can be easily broken or withstand time.
You know I didn't ask for a Hero
But you still fought on
And as you hold me in the silence
And whisper sweet nothings to quell my fears
Asking why I'm so upset,
I tell you that I'm lonely, how I feel isolated.
And you say, "I'm right here."
My heart, it starts to slow
My breathing becomes less shaky
As you hold me near, and take away the fear.
You become my hero
When I need saving
You beat down the dragon,
That gaurded my heart
And took away the pain
That trapped my body and mind.
You brought me back to Earth
Made me feel serene
I became your Princess,
For you always saved me.