Pretty Hazel Eyes
To the brown-haired girl
With the pretty hazel eyes:
Never using never needing
Never wanting a disguise;
Look you in the face
Never catching by surprise,
Quietly listening
To other friends cries,
Honest, truly honest
With her pretty hazel eyes.
Some girls like to mess around
With the other guys;
Not her, not the girl
With the pretty hazel eyes.
Never forgetting,
Her friend or family ties
Loyal, fun, and kind
Never planning your demise
Promise keeping, trustworthy:
The girl with hazel eyes
To the brown-haired girl
With the pretty hazel eyes
May you know that I am here
When troubles do arise
May you never ever wonder
If you need a disguise
No matter what “they” say,
Whether like or despise
I see value, lots of value
In those pretty hazel eyes.