The power of words
My challenge was to climb three vertical beams
that hang off of each other. No help from my team.
Swaying back and forth, I used small pegs
My short body struggled using my arms and legs.
I stop a short distance from the top sweating.
My body giving up, “I can’t do it” I shout regretting.
I shake, I shout, I start to let go,
I thought I could do it, but no.
Defeated, done, diminished to a failed act,
I am small and weak, pathetic, it’s a fact.
I can’t move on I can’t go any further, no foothold
To use to go higher, I know I’m finished, until I’m told-
“Don’t give up! Don’t stop now! When you’re this close
You can’t! Just a little more and you can boast!
You’re almost there. You’re there we swear. Just one more
Jump the foothold will be there, you won’t hit the floor.”
So I jumped, I pushed up as high as I could, wrapping
Myself around the beam, my team cheering and clapping!
The foothold was there, I pulled myself up, I rang the bell
To signal I’ve won. I’m done. “I did it! I did it!” I yell!
I did what I couldn’t. I was strong and supported
By my own strengths I was almost thwarted.
But with my team’s encouragement I succeeded.
Their words of support were all I needed.