Politically Religious
You can’t watch, follow, or listen to that
Those politics full of evil whether you’re Republican or a Democrat
Don’t listen to those unholy people, they are no good
Listen to the Bible, don’t question it, be a good Christian like you should
This line between religion and politics, where is it?
These political leaders, idolized and trusted
He said to stay away from those sharp tongues you will see they are corrupted
But I can’t help to be in awe of their eloquent words, and passionate gestures
Who am I to follow?
I feel trapped legalistically through my religion
I feel trapped religiously through that politician
Trapped no more, when you take the legalism away
When you take away the so-called rules, He is still here loving you endlessly
Take away the rules of the land, and you get chaos, relentlessly
Leave the legalism and corruption to politics
Leave the love and perfection to Him