Poisonous people.
I am me and no one else;
A cluster of stars,
Made of gentle fish kisses,
Covering my flesh,
With tender softness.
My eyes reflect the moon,
my lips the planets colors.
The Milky Way my soul,
vividly vibrating through my core.
My skin is the ocean,
soothing out the shore.
My voice is a flower,
delicate and fragile.
The sun causes pain,
it's disguised as a friend.
But don't wither little tree,
your still growing, you see?
You need the pain to grow,
become stronger than the rest,
and unique, at your best.
You will grow apples,
eaten by worms,
those are the pest,
and you must let them go,
no matter how much it hurts,
remember, it's for the best.
Be grateful for water,
streaming down your roots.
Once the sun inflicts it's pain,
you'll be grateful for the rain.