The Plans of Mice and Men
The sun rains in through the grimy blinds
But all you see is the future, a future you have planned for,
Thought of, strived for, fought for, will live for,
Yet something hold you back.
You had it all planned out.
You rise, the streaks of the sun painting you face as you climb from bed.
You had it all planned out.
You walk, sluggish and confused, to nowhere now, walking towards an illusion.
You had it all planned out
But you must continue with your plan.
You planned to be a doctor, roaming the halls, dashing to another life that was never your own,
Yet, it is your life. You try to save it so you can save yourself.
The hours, the pressure, the stress.
You had it all planned out.
The hours of hard work, the pressure of doing something bigger than yourself, the gratitude.
You have it all planned out.
The plans of mice and men often go awry, but yours are solid,
Are crafted by passion, not necessity, love, not money.
You have it all planned out and, through others, it will change your life.