Pizza, Pennies and Popsicles
to write all the things that make me
want to jump up
and twist and shout
i would make a never ending list
you would be reading for days
there would be repeats
because no two days are the same
sometimes i like nothing more
than laying in bed to sleep
but sometimes
getting up before anyone else
to just jump around it all i need
the rhyimg was unintentional
i was just trying
to sit and write
but now that its already happening
i have to try and find a word to rhyme with unintentional
back to the point
the things that make me happy
are unlistable
but a few things that
i never cease to stop loving begin with the letter 'p'
my favorite food
it makes my tummy happy
and makes my tastebuds jump all around
i can cook it by myself and lets just say thats a big deal
so its clear that pizza counts...
as the first of the three p's that is
number two on the never ending list
is something many people over look
but pennies are special and its sad they're rarely missed
face up and its good luck
when i put eight of them together i can pay the tax
for a drink
from mcdonalds that i probably do not need
but pennies keep me sane
they remind me the smallest of things
have value
no matter how overlooked they may be
and last
but certainly not least
is the third p
i live in kansas
and the summers are killer
so i stay inside
when i start to crave
a popsicle
i cant stay in my cave
i run to the fridge
and get my third favorite thing
once i have aquired
said thing
i venture out into the smoldering kansas heat
and pull out my popsicle to eat
now its hard to stop
with just three things
but without dedicating aproximatley 87 days
to read all the things i love
you'll just have to believe
that these three
are the bees knees
the cats pajamas
the apples of my eyes
but very favorite three
and yes
i tried to rhyme
three with threee