Vision has been a treasure to me
Ever since I was young
But then, three years ago,
A new song was sung
I was only seventeen
when my vision began to go
I thought it was nothing at first
but that wasn't so
The doctor said I had three years
To see the sights of the land
And after those three years were up
I would be seeing by my hands
The news hit me like a wall
I could not say a word
My mind reeled in a thousand ways
and not a sound was heard
"Why me" was all I could ask
the invisible force that stole my sight
and hope and pray to that same force
that the doctor wasn't right
I was in a slump for a week or two
thinking of all the sights I would miss
And then my rapture occurred to me
was this how I really wanted to end this
So instead of laying there in self pity
I grabbed my keys and hit the road
I was determined to see all I could
before the bell was tolled
I saw the mighty Colorado
and hiked all the trials
I saw the oceans from underwater
and above with the aid of sails
I learned to read Braille
And how to live in the dark
I learned the feeling of the meadow dew
and the roughness of oak bark
As the years went by my eyes fell dim
my vision began to fail
And then one day when I opened my eyes
It was no avail
For I sighed a sigh of relief that day
my prayers had been strong
although my vision had left forever
that doctor was very wrong
I see the world more clear than before
without using my eyes
three years ago this would have been a curse
but now I see it was a blessing in disguise
Have you ever heard how beautiful
a rainstorm sounds from inside
or felt with great clarity
the salty spray when the seas are high
I would have never wished this one anyone
but now I give you just one task
Just humor me one time
and do as I ask
Close your eyes for a moment
and hear the sounds around
Try to pick out unique ones
and every single sound
Now run your hands across your lap
And feel every single string
Then run your hands across the wall
And feel the bumps, dips, and everything
Now open up your eyes
and look at the things you touched
Try to see the detail
That only your hands could trust
Three years ago
I thought I would never cope
But standing here today
I have a new sense of hope
I don't care about fashion
or the way someone looks
I care about personality
and what is said in the good book
Now I wish the world
could see what I can see
A black plain to some
A bright new future to me
I always considered myself lucky
To an above average degree
For I could finally view the world in its wonder
even though I can't see.