Perfect Imperfections
Look at the ads out right now advertising “the perfect body”
What is wrong with society?
Perfect is not defined as a flat stomach and a thin physique
But when girls see those pictures, they don’t eat for a week
Long hair, bleached, dyed and fried
Whatever happened to the beauty inside?
Judged and objectified- what do people expect
When the morals and respect in society is wrecked
Bombarded with images, women are especially affected
When they are constantly objectified and not seen as the vision of perfection
When it comes to me, I don’t see beauty as artificial
Beauty is natural, not something superficial
I am okay with going out without a made up face
I’m comfortable being imperfect and that is perfect for me
Because in my eyes, beauty isn’t always what you can see
It’s what is inside that has the most promise
It what makes me me, it is what makes me flawless.
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