I remember I was 10 when he died
The lost and deaths led to stress and heart suicide
Barely made it to 17
All the the accomplishments and hopes lost in the stream
I hope I can can make it to 17
I wanna have a future , live like a normal teen
But evidently there's a barrier
A barrier that divides the white and black american dream
violence isn't always the key
Brutality, wickedness
there all the same thing
This is what weakens our society
There's another key and its not bribery
As one we can make a strong civil nation
but we can't even help our own civilization
We shouldn't stand up just for our own kind
Stand up for all the youth, so stop being blind
God gave your own set of two eyes
Open them and up and see where the truth lies.
I wanna be able to have accomplishments, and deeds
I'll pick where Trayvon left off and finish his dreams