Peace in the Coliseum
Our playpens are coliseums
and we take our first breaths
in pools of blood.
We teach ourselves terrorism,
and then award medals
to the soldiers who made the most enemies.
We learn nonviolence
to assassinate injustice.
But I've always been overlooked
around the sound of competition
because when the fight begins
no one listens
to anything but the baying hounds,
the battle cries,
the blood pounding in their ears.
No one listens to the sound
of an olive branch,
an outstretched arm.
I want to charge on a white horse
and save all the broken girls with their broken worlds
but I've always been squeamish about the sounds of battle
and I cannot be a warrior.
I will not be a warrior.
We do not need another warrior.
We do not need another crusader and another cause and another fight.
I want to charge on a white horse
but this world has had enough of warriors
and fighting will always be the easy way out.
Fighting is clarity. There is only the enemy,
and the baying hounds, and the blood
Black, white, and red
like the way beneath the skin we're all the same.
Red like poppies or roses or love
Cultivate your garden
but it will always be easier to fight
because that's just black and white.
I choose the challenge.
My beauty is my blood, unspilled,
pulsing in my veins and choosing to stay still.
My body pulls towards battle,
but I will not fight
because on the other side of enemy lines
my adversaries are trying to do right.
I choose peace: difficult, unglorious, vain.
I choose to wrap my arms around suffering and look it in the face.
I can't save those broken girls and their broken worlds,
I can't ride out and conquer.
I can only offer my arms and my ears,
small comfort in this world of tears.
I can only choose water,
parting around obstacles
to make them disappear.