part by part, part apart

saintly at a Saint's college,

theY wEre to be at,

Being at the same halls anD.

the beAutifuL audItorium, meSsaging even when professors near but now,


Part bY part.

thEy fell apart,

likeD were they.

for A year or so,


shared he a Lot,

she dId not,

she knew him,

he never knew her,


met theY with words,

But of no sight.

till the EnD,

Of their split.


she meAnt a Lot to hIm,

she Shared her sadness at times,

her witness of brutalitY rEcently,

in place near filleD with books,


tough time hAd she with some,

Cause short tempered was she.

fighting her own surroundings,

fiLled wIth modernity waS she,


simple but full of quick wit was she,

stand witness her talks,

Cutting others softlY.

Would hEr worDs to be.


for exAmpLe once she played,

WIth wordS that no one.

else would do it as better,

as her from a mobile,


she said she was to leave,

due to a transfer for her father,

Believed he and her friends too.

later it was a rumor,


another example,

he once asked her,

to praY for the rains,

shE saiD we cut everything,


down and how would it rAin?,

it’s our own mistake,

so it won’t rain,

however we pray,


heLpful and guIding waS she,

liked he her much,

for her simple heart,

for the onlY friEnD hAd he was she,


he wanted to be with her,

hear her, taLk wIth her, enjoy the rainS with her

But theY nEver met, even once.

though to live parallel in rooms,


But she knew him.

how he stanDs ALoof,

from the crowds,

sad was she for hIS stature,


happY was shE at times,

When she saw him.

With his friends.

at times and AcknowLedges It too,


Playful was he at times.

serious was she then,

manY wEre the scoldD,

and the wArs were between them,


though however playfuL was he,

too sorry he was to be,

Whenever he hurt her.

he felt so sad then,


he always cared for her,

WantIng to moralize her.

Bring her out of modernity.

Wanting her to be open aS he.


alwaYs was shE

an angel,

a queen,

a princess for him,


they never met,

having a rule,

to see who talks first,

still they never met,


her pals would try,

Revealing her out.

for he never cares for it,

hiDing running  to run does she At times,


he wrote on their relationShip,

On how they got related.

how bad he was at times,

how he hated the modernitY that affectED her,


fell in utmost liking did he,

hAted that one thing did she,

it was not Love,

But utmost affectIon of care.


Never did She understood it.

how special was she to him,

talking to him when he was lonelY,

though talkED he little,


she talked ALmost a lot for a year,

KnowIng more and more.

his likeS and dislikes,

theY found thE Differences between them,


Rustic wAs he.

modern was she,

But good at heart was she.

Was he aLso to be.


she knew too much,

she can wrIte a book on him,

On hiS everything.

But she was not so open.


alwaYs wantED he heAr her,

Voice at Least for once.

Before they left wIthin.

a year or So,


Good were they.

for a yEar,

Broke, wounD And injured.

did he by his pLayfulness,


so sad IS he now,

for being harsh at times,

PlaYful at timEs.

hurting her many times,


they parteD,

PArt by part.

fuLly apart,

he hopes stIll,


hopes Still,

as she alwaYs says,

timE may faDe,

the pAst,


he hopes on time,

for now,

to fade away,

those bitter moments,


made by him,

he agrees he to be responsibLe,

for It all,

sad is he missing her a lot,


Breaking up were they.

Never to fight.

a war this large,

still on hopes of time is he on,


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