Padded Cell
I’m trapped amongst these padded cells.
Grey cushioned walls rising up, besieging me;
Barred windows revealing a macrocosm of beauty.
They offer me painfully discouraging glimpses
Of a world I so yearn to feel binded to.
And here I sit… alone within this dispondent place -
My connections withheld from the world outside.
I can see from these bars your ambition to help,
And I want to believe your hopeless illusions,
But how can I trust you, a questionable outsider?
When these walls and bars, these countless cells,
They question your truths, feed me their lies -
Lies that comprise of these thoughts in my head.
I fight alone here in this place I claim my own.
Fists pounding against cushioned grey matter,
Palms gripping onto barred axons and dendrites.
I continue the war against these thoughts, these lies,
Constantly, desperately, searching for an escape
From this despondent padded cell that is
My mind.