It just hurts and it feels like I took all that medicine all over again
And I want to cry and get away from the pain
Thats all I ever wanted was away from the pain
I just wanted to end it all taking all the medicine and hurting myself in ways I never thought I could
I didnt want to live no longer But i knew there were people who loved me in this world I just didnt want to believe it
I thought I was doing better since I got out but im really not I still have the same pit in my stomach as I did before
And no matter how many people say im here for you or you can talk to me and I love you
I still feel so alone and I will always feel so alone
Even though in this world im not as lonley as I want to think
I want tp grab all those pill bottles again and just take more than I did last time
And then maybe all the pain will end with no care in the world