Sitting in my room
feeling as if I'm an outcast
placing blame on innocent people
for my mistakes
cutting off all communication
with my loved ones
I raise the needle and inject myself with some "medicine"
crying as the fluid rushed itself throughout my body
greedily wanting more, I inject myself with more.
A smile slowly creeps onto my face as I
began to feel a sensation that made me forget all
of my terrible mistakes
Constantly injecting the "medicine" into my body I
begin to not feel like myself
Strangers began to express worry towards me
Telling me that I should stop injecting
and that it was the wrong thing to do.
However,I didn't want to listen
the sensation was too great of a
So again
I injected myself for the last time
i overdosed using the medicine.
I didn't die but I killed myself
my past self
I will carve myself a new better future
my revival would not have been possible
without my "medicine", the holy bible