The Only Magic
Breaking news!
Fifty people killed in a bomb blast,
Students of a popular University engaged in a riot and killed 4 students,
Strippers needed for one week,
Robbers attacked a bank and killed 5 guards on duty,
Breaking news! Breaking news!!
The world is gradually becoming a breaking news itself,
The world we live in now is becoming exceedingly sinful,
The present condition of our generation is now in a destabilized state,
Lives are being wasted on daily basis,
Sin has made lives lifeless
Give your life to christ!
I hear that preacher say every morning when his life-worth-mourning lifestyle is actually off christ,
The world doesn't need your word anymore but your lifestyle,
Because they have heard so much words and seen less lifestyle
It is devastating how churches are structured in every street and corners where as the outburst of sin can't be farfetched,
Structures can never give the correction,
But a lifestyle fixed on God's instruction can do,
Your life should have a God style
This days immorality is not only promoted but projected,
Christians hold powerful service but no change,
There is now an outburst of worship concert but sin still attack peoples war ship,
Something has to be done,
The pastor shouts at the top of his voice saying,
My people repent for the kingdom of God is at hand!
Yet sin increases in a geometric progression,
What is happening? I ask myself
Pastor! There need to be an arrest
Yes! The soul arrester needs to be arrested before you can arrest the soul,
Sin is taking joy in arresting people's soul for it's pleasure,
Only our churches are captured and arrested by the power of God,
There needs to be an extension of his power,
Our spirits needs to be ignited,
Over ther decades a lot has changed,
What was not even thought of is now in existence,
John wesley said "what a generation permits the next will embrace",
A need arises for refusal now,
The pastor preaching,
Envagelist envagelising,
Prohet prophesying,
Teachers teaching and,
Apostles witnessing but still
The world is collapsing
The power of sin is powerful,
This present generation is tired of your words,
Because their mindset is far beyond what you think,
They only need a perfect lifestyle,
Yes! Perfect lifestyle that will remain untouchable in their mind,
So next time you wanna say give your life to christ,
Your lifestyle should have been christ already,
God needs to work through us,
If we obey our lifestyle will do the magic
AUTHOR: Prince Orji (Prince4Christ)