Once Upon a Night
Once Upon a Night
You know how they all start
Once Upon a Time
You expect a princess
A prince
A happy ending—
This is different.
Once Upon a Night
The forest shivered and moaned
Your stomach groaned
And alone.
Once Upon a Night
Sleep was just out of reach
You had other priorities.
They were nagging
And demanding.
Once Upon a Night
Your steps were slow
As you scoured the forest looking
For something—
For anything.
Once Upon a Night
It disappeared.
The darkness is overcome by orange
And pink.
You realized it had been two days.
Once Upon a Morning
You saw red
Flashing through the woods.
And Inviting.
Once Upon a Morning
You caught her
You talked to her.
“To granny’s?” you asked.
You confused her.
Once Upon a Morning
You pulled your starving body
Through the waking woods.
You knew a shortcut.
You’d get there first.
Once Upon a Morning
You found it.
She was waiting.
Just like Red said.
Once Upon a Morning
You aren’t hungry.
The hunger pains disappeared
Like ancient history.
Once Upon a Morning
It flashed red.
She’s here.
You licked your lips
With anticipation.
Once Upon a Morning
“Granny?” was called
Only to be answered with growls.
Gone is red.
Gone is granny.
Once Upon a Morning
The screams were heard.
The axe stopped—
For a moment.
Once Upon a Night
The darkness enveloped you--
And you were never to wake.