Oh you troubled teachers
Oh you troubled teachers.
Creating a hierarchy
based upon grades
rather than a strong will to learn.
Oh you troubled teachers.
Grade-shaming your students
who are only trying to get through school
as mentally stable as feasible.
Oh you troubled teachers.
Working your students so hard
that they fall asleep in class
from exhaustion and overexertion.
Oh you troubled teachers.
Basing intelligence
by your standardized assessments
and instantaneous exams.
Oh you troubled teachers.
Confusing discipline
with shaming
and exponent forms of harassment.
Oh you troubled teachers.
Shaping your classroom
towards the benefit of extroverts,
when it is the introverts who have the thirst for knowledge.
Oh you troubled teachers.
When will you learn
that it is not only us
who must learn from our mistakes,
but you as well?