Slowly and slowly fly the mighty feathers:
the uncanny wrath bearer,
The poacher's prey, the bald bizzare stigmatic cryptic creature,
The ecosystem's majestic role player!
The curtain raiser of pure air, mother nature's garbage disposer!
Wonder! Thy role is omitted, the saviour of the mortal race from the contagious diseases!
Astounded, how thou, uncontaminated dear environment!
Thy poaching has taken away the soul of the balanced ecosystem!
Crucial is thy presence, on the verge extinction might have horrid ripple effect!
Irony! The friends' void can't be substituted by mere replicas of sustainable development!
The diminishing existence will drastically affect the local food webs!
How alluring to have a glimpse of the hunch and tuck of the bird's head in the cold,
Flapping and fluttering the wings, stretching the neck in the heat!
Thou, remain aloft for hours, soaring gracefully on long broad wings;
With dazzling sharp eyes from the highlands to pick the carrion!
Thy iconographic presence is being honoured by the myths, legends, fables of civilizations!
High time to contemplate, to introspect, to jump into the bandwagon of integral ecosystem;
As pivotal to rescue and redeem the friendly endangered existence!
© Silpika Kalita