Ode To My Thighs
An open letter to my thighs:
Dear thighs,
I truly adore the trunkiness that you are
Like roots of tree limbs that climb up from the ground
And take me where I need to go.
Now thighs,
I know we’ve had our problems in the past
But it was me, not you.
There is nothing wrong with you.
I’m just sick.
Really, I am sorry for the scars
The messy, sloppy, bleeding.
That sort of thing.
I appreciate you now.
I don’t mind that your thick
I don’t mind that you touch,
In fact I rather like that.
You stick together better than anyone I know.
So thighs, here is to you
You scarred up
Tattooed mess.
You fit my hips so well
And stick together so well
And look so pretty in tights and shorts.
Dear thighs,
Here’s to you.