An Ode to My Car
Hello, new friend, as beautiful as a warm, spring day
You are always in the bay in May
You are as red as a tomato
Not as dull as a potato
Handsome and shining
Always needing realigning
Your sleek black interior is beyond compare
Without a glare
Not only are you pretty
But you have the ability
To go much faster than forty
Although your gas mileage is thirty
You are my best friend
Because we have no end
Always waiting at my every call
Even dependable at the mall
Sometimes I forget where I put your keys
Because I have a disease
Called losing the keys
I depend on you to take me where I must go
Even in the snow
Your exhaust attracts attention
When that is not the intention
Your name is very extreme
Like a lemur’s esteem
You are a horse
And we will never get divorced
Your lights light my heart
like a brand new part
Your trunk is large
Like a barge
Your hood has wrinkles
Like old Kris Kringle
You are my North Star
You are my car