Ocean Traveler
My true love
My elegant goddess
My peace maker
I dream of being with her
I have never met a more soothing being
I love her for what she has given me
The ocean has given me the desire for freedom
Water gently laps my feet
drawing me in closer
Giving in
I let myself become engulfed
My hair flows with the clear blue hands stroking it
My skin cools from the calming contact
My nose fills with the familiar fragrance of salt
My ears catch the sound of swift spirits sprinting pass me
Most of all
I taste freedom
When I was a child
I could not stop myself from being fascinated with the ocean
That fascination has turned into a fiery love
I will follow my love till the end
all the way to the darkest depths
I overcome fear with my unwavering devotion for her majesty
In the near future
I will become a marine biologist
I dreamt about the ocean
for too long to let her go
I want to learn more about the ocean
a teacher with vast knowledge
I want to earn the trust of the ocean
so she will show me her secrets
I want her to love me back
as I have loved her
Becoming a marine biologist
means more than earning my dream career
It moves moving forward from my past
and gaining the freedom I have yearned for
The day I become a marine biologist
I will stand proudly on a research boat
as I smile with sweet bliss
My shoulders will be set back
showing my confidence
My hands will cling onto the railing
showing my excitement over my adventure
My feet will be firmly planted on the deck of the boat
showing my readiness to face any obstacle
The wind will run pass my hair
The sea breeze will bring tranquility to my heart
The ocean will open up before me
Reunited at last