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My tomorrow doesn’t start until the night before. Before I start to sleep and before I start to snore. It’s a daydream about the possibilities, good and bad, a silent wish striving to make yesterday's tomorrow better than the last. I find myself getting up every morning not because of a clock,the smell of breakfast wafting through the air or because someone threw a sock. I don't wake up from nightmares of being naked in school or worried about big games and 1v1 duels. I take a shower, go to sleep, in bed I lay, and if I wake up tomorrow it’s because God made it that way. I find it’s my responsibility to make the bed I lay, so what I strive for is to make that morning into a better day. For myself or others I can not say, but that is one reason I wake up from day to day. I also go for music, for magic and for mystery; all of which my day will bring in surprising quantity. The music of the world moving all around me, the magic of the theater which tends to surround me. The mysteries that encompass me of the music and magics never ending quantities, are just two more things that change me and make me realise day to day who it is I want to be. It is also for these reasons that I wake up screaming seize the day, grab it by the horns and hang on come what may. So my tomorrow doesn’t start until the night before and every night I fall asleep dreaming of what the next day has in store.