Now your gone
Now that your gone
Playing many sad love songs
The house has a different tune
All these months and I had no clue
Happiest moment when you said I love you
Then the pregnancy test showed our love true
Never more Happy then when I was looking at you
You glanced back and i felt your love shine through
But now that your gone
You abandoned our love for an undeserving muse
Now you tell me it's she you choose
Left feeling misused and unamused
Praying God spare our baby from your pain and early forms of emotional abuse
I can't fathom anyone enduring this pain
While growing love and hope with his last name
Now that your gone
My tears fall upon our love
Wiping my belly and embracing what's left of love
A Love filled with lies and stuffed with cotton to look full
I squeezed it and it felt real
Never knew the stuffing he'd remove and leave desolate
Take all my love and stuffing and give to another woman he once knew
Starting my family with her and her womb
Just felt our baby move
And I look over to smile and tell you the news
Now that your gone
The joy inside masquerade the pain I hide
Getting stronger by the day
Your voice disintegrating in the winds
The echoes get further and further
Broken Hearts do eventually mend
But our love still grows within