Novice Poet
It’s something SO ingenious
(And nearly incomplete)
It comes from a great intellect
Be ready to read
To absorb my profound message
I suggest you close your eyes
You’d be saved from my futile words
Take my own advice
Here is my composition
Don’t you think it ought to rot?
It’s better off hidden
Buried in a forsaken lot
Who cares if it rhymes?
What I write may have no purpose
“It’s too simple, not deep”
A piece of written carcass
I know I am no Poe
With great lyrical disposition
Just a small person with small words
And perhaps no greater ambition
But before my average stanzas
This paper was utterly blank
IT had no purpose
Nonexistent, too be frank
The minimal and random
My mind is currently emitting
In fact, can be treasured
If one is only willing
I think I’ll end this piece
Else, I’ll lose my train of thought
Note, it’s simplicity that may have won
Your once unconvinced heart