November Wind
On the late November wind
Came he, with heart on hold
Unaware of the ties that bind
In the late November cold.
He came a burble, she aflame
With a passionate heart
She said his name
Now, not ever will they part.
He was uncertain, at first,
When she spoke of her love
Afraid of a ne’er ending thirst
As she looked to the sky above.
On the Late November wind
Came to him an unknown feeling,
One that bent his heart and mind;
He found his whole world reeling.
She waited some days for him
To answer the question she’d asked
The patience of her heart did not thin
For she knew her love was unmasked
On the Late November wind
The boy, in two, was torn
For, in his heart and in his mind
Another love was borne.
But, as the boy’s certainty fled
The girl, too, was torn again
As the boy-man tried to turn her head
Even though the scars he caused remain.
A month had not yet passed
Since the night her mind turned on her
The die that stopped, only after it was cast
A single revolution of Fate’s mighty spur.
She ended in a room of white
With socks for puppets on her hands
As the man with the pen tried in spite
To undo the damage of her demands.
“Kill my heart,” she cried that night
To the man-child who had left her for another
“Take my life,” she begged as the light
That would save her was torn asunder.
As the anniversary of this event descends
The girl who was, now a woman, reflects
On how, in a moment of solitude, she depends
On the decision of the boy she respects
And how, her life, saved he, that night long past
And how, since then, he’s saved it twice more;
She knows in her heart, this love will last,
Now that she has opened her heart’s door