nothing gold can stay
"Nature's first green is gold"
because the best part of a relationship
is the very beginning
the honeymoon phase, as they call it
before any problems arise
"Her hardest hue to hold"
because the honeymoon phase won't last
two girls, as happy as can be
knowing it won't last as long as we'd like but
choosing to savor every moment
enjoying it while it lasts and
pushing out parental problems to
the backs of our minds
"Her early leaf's a flower"
because we let our relationship blossom
never being super affectionate, of course
since we never got any time alone and
we were too shy to even hold hands in public
(most of the time, anyways)
knowing how the world shuns our kind
"But only so an hour"
because after a while
that blossom stops blooming
ours did after a few weeks
even so those were
some of the best hours of my life
"Then leaf subsides to leaf"
because the gold turned to green
your problems got worse with your family
but i didn't know about them yet, of course
all i knew is that you'd been acting weird lately
and you hadn't been talking to me much
the honeymoon phase is over now
"So Eden sank to grief"
because i didn't want to be pushy and
try to make you talk to me
so i just didn't follow you anymore
when you went off to talk to her
as i wondered how i managed to
screw it all up
"So dawn goes down to day"
because i realized what was happening
it was more than your parents just
treating you differently
and not trusting you anymore
(you still don't have your phone back, do you?)
and they didn't trust or like me either
i can understand why you didn't want to tell me, though
you just didn't want to hurt me
"Nothing gold can stay"
because as soon as i have a smile on my face
and as soon as you have someone to snuggle with when you're cold
as soon as we have a reason to get out of bed on a monday morning
and as soon as there's a new light in my eyes
and a new skip in your step
as soon as i feel that maybe i can be loved after all
it's gone
...and i didn't even get to kiss you goodbye...
(obviously Robert Frost gets the credit for the original poem)