Imagine if you could change it
Imagine if we could turn the page
Imagine if we could burn the past dark ages, black messages and escape from all those tight cages.
Dream at night and you will see a light that shines bright
You will see a tight family that jumps together from the heights
Despite the fact that we're not the same DNA
You will get a sight of different colours that don't spread appart but rather attract
But wake up in the morning
And you will see racism that keeps growings
A virus that no one stops from running,we're all infected
They will say that difference makes harmony , but they will also say that we're not part of the same symphony and that equality isn't our destiny.
So imagine if we could change it and turn the page
Imagine if we could burn the past dark ages, black messages and escape from all those tight cages
Break all the chains that are holding us
Holding us from seeing the real truth
A truth that is 'we're all the same'
It is not letting us go
But we still have the power to say NO
We don't need revenge at any range
So we try to arrange things ut discrimination is taking over us
We don't see it but it's damaging us
Imagine that 4 year brown-skin girl being taunted because she's the only black in a white people school
That homosexual being attacked by straight people because he's not like them
That christian being killed because of his way of praying
That 21 year old woman being refused a job because she's younger and then less smarter
Just imagine that handicapped person being stared at by the whole crowd because he misses something.
We're all victims of racial,sexual,religious,age and disability discrimination
We're empowering separation through all our nations
We're donating violence to the next generation
We're giving them the permission to the creation of a unique civilization
We are the ones who drive disconnection among our nations.