Not an option
Unfortunately, killing yourself isn't an option. It's not like you're a grenade and you'll blow up but then people will heal and forget about you
It's more like shoving a knife individually into people's hearts
Even people that only knew you in passing will go "oh god" as they feel the knife go in
And the people that did know you would cry and scream for days
And the knife would never come out
They'd see something that reminded them of you and feel it there
They'd celebrate a holiday and cringe when they feel it
They'd go to the store and instinctively buy something meant for you and then grit their teeth in pain as they slowly put it back
And sometimes they'd twist the knife. A lot at first, but then only every so often. But they'd keep twisting and twisting it while whispering "I could have done something"
I don't know what to say...
You tell that to your friends. You tell them how fucking selfish and cold hearted and cruel it is. You tell them that it doesn't matter if ghosts aren't real or not because if they die they will haunt you forever.
Thank you. You gave me a different perspective on suicide
I gave you the perspective of the survivors. There are people who survive successful suicides. They're the people who mourn.