Not that media.
I love the media.
It’s interesting
and fun
and keeps us all connected,
on one page.
But don’t get me wrong…
I don’t enjoy the propaganda,
the mendacious ads and suffocating numbers,
statistics, choking us and
urging us to join their team.
Selling our souls to the businessmen,
our votes to the gods of commerce and politics.
But I love magazines.
They’re aesthetically appealing
and effective
and keep us all connected,
on one page.
You want to work for the media?
The media that has been setting boundaries for beauty, for acceptance
For almost as long as it has existed?
The media that tells young girls to arch their backs
And elongate their stomachs
Because they will only be taken seriously
If they take up a little less space and boys will only look twice
If their body curves in the right places?
Newspapers are great too.
They’re informative
and classic
and keep us all connected,
on one page.
But they will surely swing your opinion
In a different direction
If you let them.
Media keeps us all connected
With pressing issues like bloodshed and which celebrity’s new haircut
Is worth ridiculing today.
I dream of a media
That celebrates real heroes.
A media that shows inspiration and beauty and quality
Exist in your neighborhood.
One that lends hope and restores faith in humans instead of flaunting barbarism.
I want to work for the media.
But not that media.