Not for me
On a Saturday night around 12 am I find myself lost in a haze of vibrations and hands
Pulling at my hips, while we dance
At the end of our meeting
With a name and a drink I was greeted
To which I replied, “Your sweet, but that’s not needed.”
There it is, that look of surprise
And I laugh inside, thinking if only he could see behind my eyes
He would know that
I am a 5 foot 6 dark skinned representation
Of the love my father carried in the bottom of his glass of wine.
Were I to be defined, they would call me a walking risk
Because I was raised witnessing the influence in alcohol’s kiss
I am a 5 foot 6 dark skinned representation of daddy’s little princess
All grown up
Stained with the memories of an alcoholic’s love
Don’t get me wrong I love my daddy to death
But at 8 years old he wasn’t just a man
He was my Clark Kent
Coming home stumbling over his own alcoholic breath
A big red-eyed foul-smelling giant
Making too much noise
Breaking down on the floor
Screaming, “No one loves me anymore!”
Retreating so far into his mind
He couldn’t see past blurry eyes
To the family standing right by his side
You see I love my father to death
Because he is a 6 foot 3 dark skinned representation of a man whose father never loved him, or himself.
So he took pleasure in putting his seed through hell
An angry preacher man with a book full of justifications, and misinterpretations in his hand
Feeding poison into the minds of his children
So that one day they would grow into adults who would struggle to know how to love
And would find their own ways to do so
My daddy found his in bottles of wine,
Anything that could knock out his sense of time
Please don’t misunderstand my father loved me but he hurt inside
And he carried so much there was never really room for both
So every time he hurt, he’d wake up on the floor
With a headache and a bottle of love
I am the end result
of too many morning after apologies
Princess I’m sorries
Alcohol stained lips kissing my cheek, promising me, that was the last drink
But if I were to show you my soul
You could trace the places I tried to hold
The promises he could never keep
Understand, I am a 5 foot 6 dark skinned representation
Of the love my father carried in the bottom of his glass of wine
So carefully defined I am a walking risk
I do not need or want to fall in love with alcohol’s kiss
I will never be the victim of the morning after apologies
With questions of where have I been?
I don’t want to wake up with the taste of throw up on my chin
Preparing lies
Ready to disguise
And deny the thing that I did
I will never be someone’s teenage dream
I don’t want to wake up on a couch wishing I had just stayed sober
While a man stands, zipping up his pants 10 years older
Than me, because for that night I was his PYT
But the next person who offers a drink
Won’t care to know these things
So I’ll just smile and say
No, that’s not for me.
A spoken word piece by Dominique Thompson.
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First off, I love this poem, and i'm glad that you're able to see past people's short-comings and not suck yourself into a hole of negativity. The repition of your height as compared to your dad's and your ability to kind've "unwind" everything you don't want to be about him. A very solid piece, good job!