Not Just Words
Words children shouldn't hear
filling like poison in their ears.
Things that get bleeped out on TV
but not when they're used around me.
You may think a door is obesely thick
But I remember six year old me sitting outside of it, feeling the dropping of my gut
Feeling sick.
Like the web of a spider,
words can capture and wrap, wrap, wrap, and destroy and kill until the tightness of that muscle in your chest, your heart, leaves the aching abyss in your mind
wider and wider.
overused and overdramatic
overstimulated and overboard
Though many think it so,
it is not
to be sought.
It's not something to cling to and run to and obsess
It is not just a style in what you wear.
It is not just a word spoken to be blamed when you don't care.
For the result is me,
the result is her,
the result is him,
quaking in the breeze.
For the result is Stephanie.
The result is Clover.
The result is Tim,
shaking with screams.
Walls aren't always as thick as they need to always be.
Words are consequentially heard by we.
Like the web of a spider,
words can capture and wrap, wrap, wrap, and destroy and kill until the tightness of that muscle in our chest, our heart, leaves the aching abyss in our mind
I saved me, now you save you.
If you are free, go save, too.