: No Wasted Time
How can I hate you so much when I'm told "you are to love your neighbor as you love yourself." But your no neighbor nor are you even a close or distant friend. You not even an enemy , your no threat to me but I hate you with every inch of me!! What am I saying I really could careless. But for some reason I wanna keep reading your Facebook statuses to find how lately you've just been so down and stressed. HA! As I laugh at the thought of you saying "nobody should be trusted , the people you thought was. . ." blah blah blah I laugh some more cause karma is a real Trick! Real Trick as in HIT YOU WITH REALITY TRICK! Real reality type ish! Then I realize why I hate you so much. It's not the fact that we never did anything in public cause I already have a man. I think that I hated you so much because I could never come to facing myself for allowing you to even be a matter of one! What a waste of energy! I could have when to McDonalds bought a Mcflurry with oreos instead of money for gas all over a text that you sent to me. . .