Nine to Five, or Six
Lucifer sits, crammed into an office cubicle
His right hoof is quite uncomfortable
Jammed up into his desk like when
Your hand gets stuck in a Pringle can
So he’s pissed off, right,
None of these spreadsheets are sending right
He has a deadline coming up faster than a cheetah on cocaine
And six of his last sixty-six dates have ended with a drink in his face
So, already mad as a cat without teeth,
Lucifer gets called into his boss’s office
Retreating from his wretched lair
And un-wrenching his right leg out from under his desk that’s obviously way too small
For someone of his height
He’s been trying to lose weight, in case you cared to ask
But the goddamned desk is a painful reminder of his constant failure
To not eat a donut at the start of the day
So anyway, he heads to his boss’s office
Terry’s probably in a mood
Which isn’t helpful to anyone,
Because Lulu’s already in a mood
Lulu was what his mother called him on the days he was too sick to go to school
And, therefore, what he called himself in private
He’d be damned if Terry called him that
Sitting in his cushy chair, with a full-sized desk
Lucifer’s boss tells him that
Look, we’re all doing the best we can
But your best is like, Todd’s worst day of all time
And Todd’s stupid
So, you’re like
Fired and all that
Lucifer calls home that night,
Wanting to hear the sound of something comforting
But nobody picks up
Nobody ever picks up anymore
Who even listens to heavy metal?
Probably not Todd
As he lies awake,
On top of the twin bed with unwashed sheets
In boxers and a tank top counting dots on the ceiling
Lucifer falls
And he dreams of a place where
He is the king
And everyone who picked on him
Has a little tiny rock in their shoe, the kind that is known
To cause an existential crisis in some people,
Maybe they’re on fire forever
But that’s open to interpretation
He thinks of this not out of hate
But as a balance to his horrible day,
Where he is victimized over and over again
So what’s so bad about a little escape
About a place where he can see his pain
Reflected in mirrors upon mirrors with
The faces of those who made his life
A living hell.
Waking up from his nap,
At three in the morning
Lucifer brushes his teeth to go for a walk
His dream terrified him, and he would never act like that
Especially not in real life
But as his day goes on
He forgets about the horrible landscape,
Blueprinted by his subconscious
And moves on,
Getting a new job, finally losing those thirty pounds
And maybe finally being happy
Enough so that the nightmares stop
Bothering him, and in turn
The billions of sinners cooking
In Satan’s subconscious.
Have a little empathy for the devil,
Because then maybe he’ll cheer up
And people will realize that
Hell is relative.