Nightmare Ex
So tired of playing the same sick games
Running around in circles playing whose to blame
We fight we fight you’re mad you go date around
Then when you aint happy
Im left to be found
It’s the same sick cycle that just wont end
Only because im dumb enough to keep this cycle as a trend
Same shit happens you don’t get your way, you go find a bunch of guys
Yet in your head you don’t know why
It never seems to work out with you and your quote “mr right”
Maybe its because im the one in your head all night
You say you do this to get me back
What sick person plays these mind games to get someone back
Youre the definition of a nightmare ex
That just keeps on resurrecting from the past
So I vent and vent to pour my feelings out
Its too bad you know how I feel yet you don’t care to figure it out
So it seems empty words fall upon a deaf ear
Guess what I aint always going to be here
So here it is my heart, my soul, my good bye
This is dedicated to you
Hope you enjoy youre life with the new guy
When you finally realize its not real with him but it was with me
Ill be free from this sick cycle of happiness mixed with misery