The Night Shift
Permanent creases make a home beside your eyes
And distract from what was once an icy blue gaze
You promised yourself any wrinkles would be temporary,
But your stress seeps in, a stealthy move,
Widening those indentations
You have realized long ago
That your early mornings end in late nights
No breaks
No sleep
Your dedication becoming the true "insomniac"
Endless hours consume you
Pepper your hair with silvery strands
But you clock in and out just the same
"It isn't fair" I decide
But my words won't change anything
You'll still work late, cradling the thought of us choosing a future
A future more balanced than yours
I wonder how that feels
Supporting our big family, working endless hours
I stare at my ceiling, contemplating it
Snug in my bed,
But awake,
Aware of the familiarity of keys jangling
I sense your exhaustion with
And all I can do is ponder over
Your selflessness
And soak in the inspiration provided
What I would give to see you sleep longer
Snug in your bed
Clean and unbothered like me
But in the meantime
I ready myself for the battle you face
When my mornings will turn into late nights
While my child lays snug, waiting for the jangling of keys
I'll be their inspiration
As you were to a much younger version of me
Because the night shift is simply inevitable