the never ending story
i kill you
your partner kills my partner
i kill your family
you kill my family
never ending story
you gang banging
symbolizing identity by raising up signs
wearing colors that affiliate oneself with family
not the type to raise you
but to mislead with lies and fabrications
where you die
nobody cares
never ending story
you may have the hottest ride
you may have the baddst chick
that's one side to the story
there's two sides and
there's the truth
rip yourself open and be honest when you say
why you have to sleep with one eye open like popeye
or why you have to look over your shoulder when you walk into certain blocks
never ending story
not the life you want to live
you love the streets
the streets don't love you back
there are people angry
and envious of your reputation
they want to see you dead
kill by any means necessary
never ending story