my wings
When I dream, I dreamed of taking flight.
My Wings clean, pure and free.
I was so free...
I could fly as high as I wanted to and I wasn't afraid.
I felt like I could conquer all; overcome any challenges ahead.
But then I wake up...
6:00 o'clock in the morning tired, deprived from sleep
Fustrated because I have tests in all of my AP classes.
I know I'm gonna fail... I know I'm gonna fail
That voice echos through my brain throughout the morning
I try to supress it and say "I got this! I studied! I know I will Ace this!
but the thought burns my mind
I get to school
Take my tests
Of course feel terrible afterwards...
After my test in 3rd period I look out the window
I see the most beautiful Blue Jay in the world
He's magnifcent wings in postion
And there he goes!
Off without a care in the world!
I watched the bird as it flew off
How I envied that Blue Jay
How dare that rat with wings have more freedom than I!
How dare he not have any anxiety to graduate with his class !
How dare he not have any fears about a college accepting him!
Why must I be born without those beautiful Wings?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!
All I want is to be free...
To not be judged by my clothes, grades, parents, and life itself...
My wings have been closed for so long I can't even remember
I see them everyday... getting tighter and uglier
I want to see them free and beautiful as they were in my dream
All I want is to jump off the roof and take flight