My Valentine
He is like the father I never had,
The one I go to when I am sad,
The one who I thank when I am filled with joy,
The one who picked me up when I had finally hit rock bottom,
It's funny I feel like I am a 13 year old girl writing in her bright pink, polka-dotted diary,
I can just imagine it an 18 year old man in a pink skirt with a bright pink, polka-dotted diary, and a purple pen with a big fuzz ball at the end while swinging my feet as I lay on my belly twirl my hair with one hand and writing with the other.
Well I might as well write as if this was my diary,
February 13 2016 every one is asking who is my valentine? They mostly asked because I was telling everyone that I will write a poem in his name I would tell everyone of how he saved me from death I think they imagine a man in shining armor but no. I tell people he was a carpenter a man who gave his life for me I have them on the edge of their seats.
I think they think I’m gay but this guy who means everything to me does not give me excitement in my pants but in my heart they don’t know that the one who means everything to me the one to whom I can’t live without is not alive anymore he has been gone in body but alive in soul.
The one who is really worthy of my time and effort,
The one who has been there through it all but most importantly the one who is worthy of my love.
He goes by many names savior, Christ, the chosen one, the son,the great I am, the one who died on the cross, but I know him as God.