My "Phat" PSA thank God for loving me this way.
My "Phat" PSA thank God for loving me this way.
Look at me aren't I pretty too? I have a great personality, even the carbs love me, they stick to me like glue! I’m more to love more to hold and care for. But who am I kidding it'll never matter because I'm not a size four.
See us fat girls we have but a few options, be funny or be made fun of because it seems that when you’re "fat" you don't get or deserve love, to laugh when they throw "punch lines"
when they feel more like punches, while on the inside saying to yourself tomorrow maybe a few more crunches, trying to remain optimistic against all of your statistics, it seems it's a crime for a fat girl to be narcissistic, why? Because it's not realistic, we are to get used to being blackballed and to accept the names we are being called because that's easier than putting up a fight.
An when it comes to finding Mr. Right for us to settle because we should feel lucky that he settled for a girl who barely peddled on that exercise bike I am more than just a pretty face not everyone can be built like bey or Kim K, I am not a fetish I am much more than what the tv tries to portray! Their frames might be skinny and attractive to a narrow mind, but I refuse to be chastised mentally or physically baptized in hate! Because of my size, so listen up this is to all that applies.
No longer will I linger in the puddle of my tears that I once cried. But now I will get back! That self-love! Bring back up! My self-esteem! Throw away! The remarks the comments and snickers! The verb, not the candy that is. But most of all! Be thankful! For God still loving me this Way!
See in Genesis 1:27 it says that God made us in his own image, so who am I or you to look at a part of me and consider it a blemish?
I'm here to diminish the thought that the pretty girl and the fat girl can never be the same person. I serve a God who on countless times has shown me I am worth it.
See what's the use in fighting to look photo shopped breaking myself down because I don't have what I "think" she's got? See there is no purpose in losing the real me, chasing the false claims of the world’s definition of beauty. I can only be yours truly and forever that I will always be, and this is my "phat" PSA, thank God for loving me this way. Thank you God for the change I see and for the love that has grown into me accepting me.