To My Mother by Shalaya Riddick
The light of my life that left too soon
The person who never got to see her sapling grow
Doing everything for you
Growing into a young woman
You'd be proud of what I've become
The person you wanted me to be
Just like you
I know you're watching me
Me growing without you is scary
But I can't change that
I have to keep pushing
To make you proud
Yes I do miss you
And I still need you
Thats why you're in my heart
In the place you can never be removed from
You know dad misses you too
He says I'm very strong
Strong enough to keep me and him together
I guess I'm his rock
Im going to make you and the world proud
Im going to be something
Embrace Myself
And do my best
Always and forever
Keep me in you're heart as you're in mine
I'll keep you in my soul
And to my mother, I love you