To my lovely wife
To my lovely wife
God send me an angel back to my life
she is here with me under You Lord
it was a lot to ask when i 1st wrote this about 3 years ago
at times, there was a sense of agony
and even trivial when putting this poem together
but the happiness i feel in offering this to you
This is not a handout like a beggar conning people for loose change
when i set this task
im very aware that down the memory lanes of verses
with elegant bias taste
Poet of all time arrange rhymes that sounds fiery
When i speak, all eyes are on me
when i speak, i say with respect & humility
i wrote this poem out of love
i gave this poem emotions of purity
In which words penetrate to your body
Walking along the boardwalk or on beaches
along hidden lakes on the other side of the shores
latitudes take away from the breezes
Showered with particles of water
At that very moment
God help me built up lumbers of words piling with love
Only He gave me strength to express it
In which you melt like butter
in your lovely eyes
i adore and gaze to
Now that God declares the foundation in defining agape love
in teaching me the power of His love
I love you the way Jesus loves His church
i surrender my pride to You Lord
i'm free of any form of imprisonment because You
gave my life back by providing me my now wife
who reminds me how much she loves me for me.
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Thank u babe for this poem..God is faithful, and He provides all our needs... That's why He brought us together...Love you...
This is love filled with power. Powerful than even the love stories in movies- cuz its legit. It is real life right in front of your face coming out fo the words of this poem. Loved this. Great reminder to people that love is more than just #CoupleGoals it is about #sacrficegoals. Great flow man!
Such an amazing poem about virtually every aspect of matrimony: courtship, marriage, a separation, domestic harmony, wedded bliss, and most importantly a mutual relationship with God. Here is a fulfilling marriage that is defined for many cultures and eras to come, there is a delightfully evoked series of styles in this single poem by Mr. MVP ranging from Shakespeare to Omar Khayyam to D.H. Lawrence and Mona Van Duyn. From spiritually rapturous sentiments to the security of Christ-centered companionship of his helpmate, Mr. MVP leaves no facet of the matrimonial state through Jesus unexplored.