my love for you lori is endless


a revitalize flame called me yesterday

i would never say old because there is that opportunity

for feelings to resurface that build up to its highest enormity

that was there at one time

a friendly conversation of catching up discussion turned into something more

it didn't hit when we 1st spoke again

it pierced me hard in my heart last night when my best friend talked about how

he came to a realization that the woman he's with now is that same woman that was meant to be

when all the dust was settle and the smoke was crystal clear

i felt a rush of tears getting ready to explode out my eyes

i knew the woman i just spoke to is that same woman i know is my soulmate

the phone was hunged up

a moment of silence

where tears began dripping down my face, clogging my eyes

knowingly emphatic that i let an incredible woman go all because of one issue

she is what a true man desires and needs to complete him

all this time that i was finding ms. perfection

ms perfection for me was right in front of my clouded eyes and ignorant mind

it slipped out of my hands and went to hands that corrupted her beautiful heart with toxic stupidity

that took her out of character

the lori i know is a loving, caring, wanted, beautiful person that will go above and beyond to make certain i felt like a king

the lori i spoke to was not that person i know

i owe you for your misfortunes

my feelings mounted overwhelmingly with love and nurture only i knew how to express

when she called me, i needed to get that off my chest

i apologize it took me a year to figure this all out

but everything happens for a reason

somehow, it comes in full circle though i don't want to overwhelm

i needed to get that weight off my shoulders that was heavier than dumbells when i pound the weights in the gym

as i was talking, tears gushed down on my face 

i have struggle for a long time of expressing my feelings because i shielded my toughness

while hiding my vulnerability

it was always been told that men don't shed tears because it's a sign of weakness

to the point that you were label a faggot

how does a man express his sentiments sincerely?

i will forever always be a man, but before that  , i'm a human being

i learn last night that it's ok to be a man that have feelings not afraid to express to a woman 

he deeply loves and engrains for

she ask if i think i was ready for her

i responded, i don't think, i know i'm ready for her

i'm ready to rebuild

i'm ready to rekindle what i had at one time

question is are yor ready?

if my tears of love that express emotions untaught to you did not show how my love for you is endless

then i don't know what is love




Guide that inspired this poem: 



that was beautiful. I can totally relate to this. great job

MVP-Most Valuable Poet

thank you

check out my latest poem

how you been?


This touched me. I love reading your poetry. It's so..smooth. I don't know how else to describe it!

MVP-Most Valuable Poet

speak from the heart jana

thank you for reading my poetries

i speak from the heart; its very genuinely sincere

continue to check out my poems i wrote


Oh my God, really touched my heart <3 I hope the dude I love can come to this realization. 

MVP-Most Valuable Poet

if he doesn't come to that realization that you love him unconditionally, then he's not the one to sweep you off your feet because he did't have the right broom

thank you for the support

please continue to check out my work


Baby. ..i read this poem means more now to me then ever before. Thank u for being so good to me...

MVP-Most Valuable Poet

i meant every single word

thank you for the luv and support

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