My Life Path.
They say, “travel the road less traveled”.
I say build your own road and make you own path.
My path, time passed, my task to follow my dreams at last.
My dreams may not included riches, fortune and fame
However, a dream is something you have a passion to obtain.
What are my dreams? I have so many it’s difficult to choose
But here are a few dreams I would like to achieve.
I want to obtain a higher education, a master’s in the advertising field.
I want to correlate all media and mediums to create memorable messages,
Creating interactive advertising that create different experiences.
My dream job is to work for the company, Likeable Media
One of the top advertisers in the social media field.
My path, time passed, my task to alter my course path.
Now it is time to address the question that was asked,
Can one job change my life path?
A job that changes my life path
Gives me fulfillment and purpose in my life.
And the ability to create and be innovative in my work.
Can one job change my life path?
Yes. Maybe. No.
I'm going to be honest, I don't know .
But one things for sure.
One job is a start to getting closer to fulfilling my dreams.
All life paths hopefully lead us to our purpose .
What is my life purpose?
I'm still figuring that one out.
But now it 's time to do the math.
So I can pass all the obstacles that lay at task.