My Last Breath
These demons
This pain
And this everlasting dread.
No friends… just devils
Inside of my head.
Drowning in tears
Bleeding to death.
“Stop saving me”
…my chosen last breath…
That seemed to be my reality.
No one around me knew.
Besides my Father in Heaven...
But still, I'd constantly stew.
I'd stew in all my imperfections.
I'd dream of order and peace.
But then I stopped. I had had enough.
I folded my arms, got on my knees.
I prayed for comfort, I asked for peace.
I told God I needed to know how!
How can I possibly go on?
"I need thy help. I need thee now."
Something swept over my heart and soul,
I felt this overpowering love.
Love from Christ, my Savior!
His constant forgiveness--like a dove.
It seemed as though He spoke...
Is life not the greatest of gifts?
there are so many things to do.
You're here to fully live your life.
I died on a cross for you.
Then I saw how selfish I was
to think of "me, myself, and I."
Is it so hard to consider others?
Couldn't I at least... try?
I thank the King of Kings, my Lord.
The rolemodel fit for me.
He made me feel like a lion
When I thought myself a flea.
No demons,
No pain.
No everlasting dread.
Fond friends…pleasant thoughts
Inside of my head.
Tears of joy
laughing to death.
“Life was good”
…my new last breath…