My Inspiration Epic Poem
“Make us Proud,” my family requested
“Study Hard,” my teachers commanded
“Obey the Rules,” the society admonished
“Be great,” inspirational speakers said
“Be who you are,” influencers advised
Then everyone turned and stared
At me
They all said, “Don’t disappoint me.”
I was overwhelmed and distraught
“How can I please everyone?” I wondered
“I can do it,” I decided
So I spread myself thin caring to all demands
I tore myself apart pleasing others
Till I couldn’t recognize myself
I hated myself
I did not know who I was
I had no dreams
I was a robot stuck living someone else’s dream
I was fighting but for what?
To please
Smothering my happiness to please others
My greed to please had been my weapon
Until it betrayed me
Their happiness increased my misery
And my weapon became my enemy
My greed to please began to choke me
It wrapped around my neck
And every time I pleased someone it’d tighten
I was dying because I wasn’t living
Barely surviving because I was struggling
To live in a world not created for me
I was happiest when I was asleep
And sometimes I’d daydream
I’d see a world, a parallel universe
One with no demands but then I’d wake
“What are you doing with your life? Are you happy?”
I’d ask myself when I awake from my daydream
There was never an answer
But one day, it changed
I got a reply
A soft voice asking
“Can I win?”
I ignored it but it kept coming back
Getting louder each time
Until I had to acknowledge it
I answered the voice
Yelling back
“Yes, I can win”
I believe it was right then I lost my mind
I’m glad I did because not much after that made sense
The voice became my friend and I hers’
She told me to run
Just run
And so I did
I had no destination but I was running
Free from expectations
I ran too long and too far
That I lost the path the world had set for me
She said it was good that I did
Because to find my own path I must lose my way
I was lost somewhere between an ocean and a desert
I was wandering and wondering
“Where do I go now?”
There were too many paths in front of me
I had no idea which was mine
She told me to close my eyes and believe
To draw my own path and believe in it
To design my own galaxy and embroider it the way I want
To dictate my future but I didn’t know enough
It was too hard
She smiled and said, “I know you can do it”
I asked, “How do you know?”
She replied, “Because I exist”
“So show me,” she said
“Show me the genius that created me
Because I am you and you are me
But without you, there is no me.”
It was then I realized
To win, I had to live my life
I deserved to live a life
The way I want it
That was the first piece added to my galaxy
I had found my reason to live
I’m still running
Constantly pushing, crashing and crawling through the harsh conditions
Creating my galaxy
So someday I can sit, smile
Drink a cup of tea
And admire the world I created
My world
She said, “It’s all right to stop at times.”
But I can’t, I won’t.
I am grateful to her
She, who inspires me
Who gave me my purpose
She, the voice in my head and the potential in my heart
She, my future.